
| 2007 Foot Locker Nationals December 8, 2007 Balboa Park, San Diego CA
Live Race Blog by Dave Devine
Girls - Boys
BOYS RACE - 10:00 am PST
Derrick 2nd, Fernandez 3rd
Slow connection, couldn't reconnect....Fout now leading to homestretch, with Derrick all way up to second....Fout looking to have the race....14:50
Puskedra leading with Fout up to second, Fernandez driving and Lowe on the back end of the pack...small gap back to Cabral
Lowe takes the lead on the first major downhill, with Puskedra retaking lead, Fernandzez in 2nd and Lowe in 3rd. Cabral up to 4th
Puskedra leads through opening 800 of 2:10 and 4:28 mile! With Kevin Williams, Fernandez, Lowe in tow
Boys race is off!! No surprises....Puskedra out fast in first 200 meters
Midwest boys now...Chris Derrick, trying to come back after winning NTN only a week ago...he'd be the first to ever get the FL/NTN back-to-back
Boys introductions now going on....South boys
GIRLS RACE - 9:15 am PST
17:20 winning time for Brasovan...followed by 2 former national champions...GREAT RACE...patience pays off
1. Brasovan 2. Kroeger 3. Hasay 4. Spence
Brasovan looks to be the winner as she streams down the homestretch....Kroeger in 2nd still....Hasay 3rd
Kroeger now in 2nd as Hasay pays for early pace...Spence into 3rd....Brasovan well clear.
Brasovan flying down the hill...drawing clear of Hasay....Hasay will have to do some work in last 600 to make this happen.
Daylight for Brasovan....driving arms across top of the hill
Brasovan EVEN with Hasay now...shoulder to shoulder
Brasovan leading Kroeger in pursuit, narrowing thegap to Hasay as head to last hill.
2 mile: Hasay near 11:08
Hasay hammering 10 second clear...with a group of five now pursuing...Kroeger, Durkin, Spence, Brasovan, Flood
Hasay loping toward 1.5 mile point...Kroeger moving into second with Durkin 3rd and Spence fourth....Brasovan leading a chase group of 5.
Hasay....Durkin...Spence...Kroeger - 1,2,3,4 - with Flood in 5 and Sisson in 6.
5:18 first mile for Hasay
Hasay really going after it, but looks like Durkin is striking out to close the gap.
As they cross the start area again, Hasay leads...back to Durkin...and then a chase group of six, including Spence, Sisson and Tarver among others
2:31 at the first 800, with Hasay out a bit already
Hasay...Durkin...Sisson, just past 2 minutes....Hasay forging an early 5-8 meter lead, with chase pack behind
Hasay leading early with Durkin at her shoulder and large pack behind
Final instructions...and they're off!
Jordan Hasay, one of the clear favorites in the raced, introduced with her long hair streaming behind her as she jogs confidently to the line.
That should have been MidWEST girls...not sure where the Midweast is located.
Midweast girls...and one of the favorites, Claire Durkin, jogs to the line. Yesterday at the course walkthrough she was running VERY hard loops on the course...probably 4 or 5 loops of the layout at nearly race pace, followed by hard striders...we'll see if that pre-race plan works out in about ten minutes.
Defending champ Kathy Kroeger introduced, wearing trademark sunglasses
Aurora Scott introduced for the South...she was all business yesterday, and looks the same today. Dialed in.
South girls up now...NE girls have ducked out of the starting line area and are running hard striders along the backside of the homestretch.
Northeast girls currently being introduced...jogging from the paddock to the start line. Grass is slick and wet, with puddles throughout the course.
Long-timers say the crowd is thinner than usual, likely kept away by the pouring rain in the early hours of the morning.
National anthem and honor guard currently going, with race introductions imminent.
15 minutes before the start of the girls race and the weather has brightened, with sun peeking between the clouds and open blue skies to the West.
And...we're live. |