Deep Roster is a feature on DyeStat in which we seek to recognize the efforts and achievements of those athletes who might not normally be featured in the headlines on our site.
The new runner who improves in leaps and bounds
The stalwart senior who provides team leadership at a critical point
The sixth man (or woman) who runs the race of their life to shore up a team title
The undefeated small school champion who dominates for three straight years, in the shadow of the big schools
The career #2 runner who labors behind the team star but quietly motivates the rest of the team
The midpacker who demonstrates astonishing sportsmanship at a key meet
There are standout athletes all over the place. Many of you have deep rosters of talent, and we want to start recognizing some of these committed student athletes each week.
Submit: If one of your athletes is worthy of recognition, please send an e-mail to Laura Magee with the following information:
Athlete's Name
A headshot in jpeg format
A short 3-sentence paragraph describing why the athlete should be recognized
Good luck this season, and thanks in advance for your help in creating the Dyestat Deep Roster!