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Girls race photos

May 19,2007 on Congress Avenue, Austin, TX

race photos by Bert Richardson

The girls field approaches the 1st 400 split, as the State Capital looms in the background

The race became a showdown between the state 3A, 4A and 5A champions. Here Allison Pye (#575, 5A) pushes the pace, flanked by Erica Parker (588, 4A) and Kristie Krueger (551, 3A)

Krueger, who had led much of the race, made her final move in the last 200 meters, as Pye sneaks a peek
  Krueger in full stride with 100 to go on the Congress Avenue bridge, while runner-up Pye, Parker (3rd) , and Halsey Fowler (4th) follow her home

Congress Avenue Mile index