Outstanding athlete: Rickey Harris, Centreville - 10.83
100m, 37.38 300H, and anchored winning 4x400 relay in 4:57.85
Outstanding athlete: Kelley Otstott, Thomas Jefferson -
4:57.85 1600m, 2:16.89 800m.
Otstott won the 1600 by four
seconds over Robinson's Liz Awtrey (5:01.12). TJ distance
coach Matt Ryan told the Washington Post's Bryan Tucker: "I think with each race [her confidence] is growing and she knows she can race with a whole lot of people
In the 800, Otstott battled senior teammate Nicole Snider over the last 400 meters before pulling away on the last turn to win. Snider finished second in 2:18.41.
"[Otstott] has phenomenal speed for a distance runner," Ryan said. "She's pretty talented for her age and she is very committed to the sense of what it takes to be good [in the] long term."